the river


By financially supporting this work, you enable The River’s mission to see the harvest of souls brought in.

Click here to give with Paypal

 For international transfers, email us to to request the wiring information.

Bank details for The River
Name: The River
IBAN: NL43INGB0006248083

Building fund:
The River
IBAN: NL39INGB0008223269
Ethereum Network: riverchurchnl.eth
Bitcoin: bc1q5s2583u3ad2pm63ganzg00v80jfntrfhv2pe0x

Yes, I want to give

Partners believe in what we do and are a solid foundation on which we can build. By becoming partners with us, you help us take steps forward to take ministry to the next level. By becoming a parnter, you invest in fruitful work, and you are part of making a big impact on this generation.
Word partner
  • How can I increase my partnership?

    You can do this manually. Get in touch via the contact form should you have any questions.

  • Does The River have ANBI status?

    The River Amsterdam has ANBI status (an Institution for General Benefit), donations to The River are therefore tax deductible.

  • Can I also transfer my donation manually?

    Transferring a donation manually is possible. You can easily find our IBAN number at the bottom of the page. Do you need more information? Please contact us via our contact form. We are happy to help you give as easily as possible.

  • Does The River believe in tithing?

    Yes, we believe everything the bible says. It is not something that we give God, but belongs to him. The tithe also has many blessings attached to it as quoted in Mal.3:8-10. “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.”